Fertilizer management

Essential Nutrients for Betel Growth

Betel plants need the following nutrients for proper development:

Macronutrients (Required in large amounts)
• Nitrogen (N) : Promotes healthy leaf growth and deep green color.
• Phosphorus (P) : Strengthens root development and early growth.
• Potassium (K) : Enhances disease resistance and leaf quality.

Micronutrients (Required in small amounts)
• Calcium (Ca) : Improves cell wall strength and prevents leaf curling.
• Magnesium (Mg) : Vital for chlorophyll production.
• Iron (Fe) : Supports enzyme activity and prevents yellowing leaves.
• Zinc (Zn) & Boron (B) : Help in proper leaf formation and plant growth.

Betel Fertilizer Management

Proper fertilizer management is essential for achieving healthy growth, high leaf yield, and quality in betel cultivation. The fertilizer requirement varies depending on the growth stage, soil fertility, and climatic conditions. A balanced combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers ensures optimal plant growth. The Department of Export Agriculture of’ Sri Lanka have recommended following fertilizer mixture and quantities.

Fertilizer recommendation

It is also now possible to buy packets of chemical fertilizers from the market without applying these doses separately.

Fertilizer Requirement Based on Growth Stage

Fertilizer Application Method

 Fertilizers should be applied in a ring around the base of the plant , keeping a 5–10 cm distance from the main stem to prevent root damage. Light irrigation after fertilizer application enhances nutrient uptake.

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